Saturday, April 16, 2011


March 24 was graduation for the class of 2010.  After the academic year is over in August, students have an opportunity to take a make-up final exam in any courses they have not passed.  Since the final must count 60% of the grade (and passing is 40%), this is a real opportunity to change a fail to a pass.  The supplemental exams take place in November for both semesters.  This is all part of why graduation takes place in March – it still seems far from the actually completion of work, but I’m sure there are other reasons.
Graduation was pretty much like graduations everywhere:  full of proud parents and proud students.  There were various speakers, including a student speaker who was very good.  I enjoyed the music-and-dance interlude – something we don’t have. Kist supplied academic regalia for all faculty. 

Me in KIST-supplied robe

The processional

Dance interlude

1 comment:

  1. How can we get a music/dance interlude in Emmanuel's graduation? Perhaps someone should choreograph a dance number to the tune of the school song since it gets sung every time anyway.
