Saturday, March 5, 2011

Jazz in Kigali

It’s been a long time between postings – and that’s an indication of how busy I’ve been.  We had to turn in final exams at the beginning of March to be sent to an external examiner to be approved.  Each course needed two final exams, the regular exam and a supplementary exam.  Students who fail get a second chance at the final.  Since the final must count 60% of the grade, and 40% is a passing grade, this is a real second chance.  In addition to the final, we had to turn in complete solutions including how many points are to be awarded for each step of the solution.  This was intensely time-consuming, although now that it is all done, I not only do not have to create the final exams, I totally know what I will be teaching for the rest of the term.  So that’s a plus. 
On  February 21 we went to a jazz concert given by the group “Men on Hills”  (Rwanda is the land of 1000 hills).  A man in the KIST School of Architecture, Christian, plays bass in the group.  The concert (well, Christian referred to it as a public rehearsal, but it sounded like a concert to me) was at 2 in the afternoon at a small recreation club - it has volley ball, a pool, a restaurant and bar.  We had gorgeous weather for this.  The group is very international:  Christian is from Germany, I think the guitar player, Toma, is from Congo, the drummer is from the US.  They played lots of great stuff including "All of me", “Sitting on the dock of the bay”, “Summertime”, “The girl from Ipanema”, almost everything was familiar.   The lead singer was fantastic.  Here are some pictures.  Christian is also in another group, and I hope we’ll hear them next week.



                                            The lead singer Djedje and Eckert on Saxophone.
                                                                       Men on Hills 
From L to R:  Christian on bass, Toma on guitar, Eric on drums, Djedje - vocalist, Michel on guitar, Eckert on sax and guest vocalist Rebecca on the right

I’ll continue this update, but I need to go grade some exams now.  Tests other than the final exam are called CATs – continuous assessment tests.  In one class I am not giving a midterm exam but just lots of small continuous assessments (weekly quizzes, homework).  They asked if we would be having a CAT – I told them no, just Kittens.  Then I had to spend 10 minutes explaining that.  But they liked it.

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