Sunday, July 17, 2011

Our last weekend in Rwanda

Ron in paradise

We spent our last weekend in Paradise!  We went to Lake Kivu and stayed at Paradis Malahide with Irina, Elena, Tatiana and Alexander.  Lake Kivu is beautiful; we took a boat ride to the island, swam across to the peninsula, and generally relaxed and ate delicious food.  An excellent final weekend.

Alexander and Tatiana

Fishing boat on Lake Kivu

Lizard in Paradise

Final year project presentations

My fourth-year students gave the presentations of their projects on June 30.  

Jean de Dieu and Dieudonne discuss traffic accidents in Kigali City

Monique and Evode modeled population growth

Evode is operating the projector 

Ron asks Milton and Jean Baptist a question about immunization

This is a very big event, with families and friends invited.  They did very good presentations.  Dr. Wali was pleased that they stayed within the allocated time!  Afterward Ron and I went to the home of Evode for a family gathering.  Parties like this always involve people making many speeches; I had to make a speech – I’ve gotten reasonably used to this.  Since most people don’t speak English, Evode’s brother translated to Kinyarwanda.  I had a fine conversation with Evode’s aunt in French – I was very pleased that I could stumble along as well as I could.